Wednesday 22 October 2008

No more cold #1

I LOVE winter, autumn and spring, and i HATE summer: my skin is too delicate to have a journey on the seaside, and the hot days make me lazy. It's about 4 years that my parents understood that i can't turn my skin tan without suffering terribly, so they leave me at home while they go in many hot&sunny it's about 4 years that i finally live the summer in my home without any constriction, and this summer i achieved a goal: skin white like milk! No, i'm not a goth lady, i've only a delicate skin ^^
I love winter, and the days passed crocheting near the fireplace, with a blanket on my knees. So, i love hot while there's cold outside home ^^ to do when i'm doing shopping and my hands are cold?

I've crocheted this double-thread handwarmers with a particular stitch that allows the handwarmers to stretch, and they're really warm! I can play my bass guitar without remove them ^^

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