Sunday 28 February 2010

New craftings...

... but no photos XD
Sorry for the lack of updates, i'm working like a busy bee, and the weather has been so orrible that i couldn't make photos of my last projects. I had a new pattern ready for S. Valentine, but i wanted to make a specific photo that wouldn't be so sweet with the rain. S. Valentine passed, and now it's time to think to S. Patrick...uff, i'm a little upset for this rush to special occasion. I'm creative, and i don't need an occasion to inspire me. This skill is good for me, but bad for my Etsy shop XD
In the starting of my Etsy experience i tryed to create on demand, but i had lots of things not sold, and this is the death of the joy of selling. I "discovered" that selling on internet is a real job, you can't start and hope to sell without giving lots of energies in marketing and setting up the contacts online.
But i don't want to give up! I'm searching an home, MY home, where i will work like student assistant, reiki operator, and Knots Me...Knots Me Not designer! And yes, sometimes i'll go out and search a true job..... ..... .... ;)
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